August 18, 2020
From the Board of Tellico Village Computer Users Club
Dear TVCUC Members,
We want to thank all who responded to the Member Survey taken last week. The Club has 1,279 members and 333 (26.0%) of you took the survey. We are very pleasantly surprised that so many of you responded and offered hundreds of suggestions.
The major conclusion we have drawn is the TVCUC provides significant value to the Members and must be continued. The Technology Access Program (TAP), First Level Support (FLS) and Education are by far the most valued services the Club offers.
Many offered kind words of support, guidance, and thanks. Fully digesting the feedback from hundreds of comments will take some time. We will provide a full summary of the survey results at the next meeting of the TVCUC and make them available on our website.
We appreciate the feedback and will use the data to develop better ways to provide value to you.
We deeply appreciate those of you who indicated that you are willing to help the TVCUC! We have developed an action plan to contact everyone who expressed a willingness to volunteer over the next couple of weeks.
At this time, we cannot hold General Meetings or have our monthly “Meet FLS” in their old format as the pandemic continues to drive how we all operate. Survey results indicated that Virtual Meetings are acceptable as an alternative. We are considering alternatives on how best to proceed using webinar technology for meetings. We will keep you informed of our progress with News Flashes, the Monthly News Letter, Facebook, and on our TVCUC Website.
A downloadable PDF version of this notice is available: HERE